<Web Development>

Work Experiences


São Paulo
Java Expert Consultant
12/06/2023 - 02/05/2024

Activities: Support of legacy systems, integration and development of new systems.
Technologies: Java EE, JPA, Hibernate, EJB, WS SOAP, Spring, Maven, REST API, Json, JWT, WebHook, Scheduler, Angular, Typescript, NodeJS, JBoss/Wildfly, Tomcat, Logs, Oracle Database and APEX, Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ, VS Code, SoapUI, Postman, Docker, TDD, Git, Azure DevOps, Scrum, Teams.


São Paulo
Java Senior Consultant
03/10/2022 - 24/03/2023

Activities: Migration and development of new microservices with Messaging for Auto, Travel and Life Insurance.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, API REST, Json, JWT, Docker, Kafka, RabbitMQ, GCP Cloud (VM, IAM, Pub/Sub) and AWS Cloud (IAM, EC2, EB, Lambda, SQS, DynamoDB), SalesForce integration, ELK, Logback, TDD tests, IntelliJ, Git, Scrum, Jira, Google Meet.


São Paulo
Java Senior Consultant
18/10/2021 - 02/09/2022

Activities: Development and integration of microservices of the NotreDame Intermedica Portal and App.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, HQL, JPA, JPQL, Gradle, Maven, JWT, FeignClient, Liferay, Docker, DBeaver, Oracle, Liquibase, API REST, Swagger, Postman, Git, Azure DevOps, Azure Blob Storage, APIM, Pipeline Build/Deploy, Jenkins, IDE IntelliJ, ER Modeling, Scrum Methodology, Meetings with Teams, SonarQube, TDD Tests with JUnit/Mockito, Fedora OS.


São Paulo
Java Senior Consultant
12/05/2021 - 15/10/2021

Activities: Migration and development of microservices of the Fleet Alelo Portal and App.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Maven, JWT, NodeJS, Angular, TS, ActiveMQ, Docker, Liferay, DBeaver, Oracle, Flyway, Redis, IBM API-Gateway, WS SOAP/REST, Swagger, Postman, Git, Azure DevOps, OpenShift, Monitoring Dynatrace and Grafana, Log control Kibana, IDE IntelliJ, Scrum/Nexus Methodology, Meetings with Teams, SonarQube, TDD Tests with JUnit/Mockito and BDD with Cucumber/Gherkin.

Sonda IT

Belo Horizonte
Senior Full Stack Developer
01/10/2020 - 11/01/2021

Activities: Development of new modules for the BH Health Department system.
Technologies: Java EE, Hibernate Envers, EJB, Maven, Liquibase, JWT, Keycloak, NodeJS, Angular, Typescript, Bootstrap, Liferay, DB Postgres, DBMS DBeaver, WS REST, WildFly Web Server, AWS Cloud, Git Versioner, GitLab Repository, Docker, Eclipse IDE and VS Code, Sonar Lint, Spot Bugs, JAutoDoc, Scrum/Kanban Methodology, Meetings with Teams.

Diebold Nixdorf

Porto Alegre
Senior Software Analyst
04/02/2020 - 07/04/2020

Activities: Banking automation and payment methods for Sicredi.
Maintenance and development of new modules for the management system, Teller, Back-Office and Admin.
Technologies: Java, Struts, Servlet, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, JDBC, Maven, Liquibase, JSP, JS, Jquery, DB Postgres, WS SOAP/REST, WildFly Web Server, Git Versioner, Eclipse IDE and VS Code, Agile Scrum and Kanban Methodology, Jira, Confluence.


Porto Alegre
Senior Developer
24/04/2019 - 02/09/2019

Activities: Development of payment API integration service (Mercado Pago, Paypal, Stone), preprocessor and processor for ShellBox. Project allocated in the Auttar client (Santander).
Technologies: Java EE, Maven, Hibernate, JPA. EJB, JSF, WebLogic Server, API SOAP/REST, IDE Eclipse, DB Oracle, DBMS SQL Developer, Postman, Git and Bitbucket.

DBC Company

Porto Alegre
Senior Analyst Developer
28/11/2018 - 12/02/2019

Activities: Development of new modules and maintenance in the GetNet registry management system.
Technologies: Back-end Java EE, Servlet, EJB, JPA, Maven, Weblogic.
Front-end PHP, CSS, JS, Jquery, Json, Zend Framework, BootStrap, WS SOAP/REST.
Netbeans IDE, Apache, Oracle Database, SQL Developer DBMS, Git Versioning and Bitbucket Repository.
Agile methodologies Scrum, Kanban, using Jira and Confluence.

Group L&S

Porto Alegre
Senior Systems Analyst
04/01/2016 - 09/05/2016

Activities: Meetings, modeling, development and maintenance of internal system.
Technologies: PHP OO, CSS, JS, Jquery, Json, Laravel Framework, BootStrap, Composer, Bower, DDD, OAuth2, ACL, ORM, Migration, Seed, REST API, Postman, Pipedrive CRM Integration, Atom IDE, Nginx Web Server, Postgres Database, PgAdmin DB Manager, DBVisualizer, GIT versioning, deploy with Deploybot, Ubuntu OS and Task management with Trello.


Rio de Janeiro
Systems Analyst
09/12/2013 - 21/01/2015

Activities: Meetings for surveying requirements, modeling, of the internal system (IBGE).
Technologies: Java EE, JSF, Primefaces, Servlet, EJB, JPA, PHP OO, CSS, JS, Jquery, Json, EasyUI, Google API, KML, GeoJson, MySql database and Oracle. Framework Yii, standards of development. HMVC, ORM, RBAC, LDAP authentication, SOAP/REST Webservice, Talent data manipulation, Astah and MySql Workbench modeling, NetBeans IDE, GIT project versioning, Sharepoint task manager, email and calendar Lotus Notes events.


Rio de Janeiro
Systems Analyst
15/03/2012 - 02/01/2013

Activities: Development and analysis of E-Learning Systems.
Maintenance in learning environments Moodle and CMS WordPress.
Technologies: PHP OO, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Json, MySql, PostgreSql, Moodle, WordPress, NetBeans IDE, Photoshop, FTP, SSH, Jira task manager.


São José
Analyst Developer
25/10/2010 a 31/01/2012

Activities: Development of Outsource systems using Zend framework, analysis and maintenance.
Technologies: Html, CSS, PHP OO, Smarty, XML, Javascript, Ajax, Jquery, Json, MySql, PostgreeSql, MSSql, Oracle, UML, PowerDesigner, EA, Eclipse IDE, NetBeans IDE, Tortoise SVN, Scrum, Zend Framework, development. MVC, FTP, SSH, Photoshop, Redmine task manager.

EMS Ventura

Web Developer
07/12/2009 a 01/09/2010

Activities: Creation of designs, programming and development of BI systems.
Technologies: Html, CSS, PHP OO, Smarty, Symfony, XML, Javascript, Ajax, Jquery, Json, MySql, MSSql, DBDesigner, Eclipse IDE, NetBeans IDE, Tortoise SVN, FTP.

Academic Education

Computer Science

University of Santa Cruz do Sul - Unisc
2001 - 2007 (Incomplete)

Information Systems

University of South of Santa Catarina - Unisul
2009 - 2011 (Complete)


Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet

System’s & Star’s Informatic
10 months (76 hours class)

Configuration of computers, printers and networks

Projetus Informatic
1 month (60 hours class)

Web Programming - Linux, PHP, JS and MYSQL

Info Courses
1 month (30 hours class)

Java EE, EJB, JPA and JSF

3 months (90 hours class)

Asp.Net, C#, Visual Studio and MSSql

1 month (60 hours class)

Mobile Programming Ionic

1 month (40 hours class)

AngularJS, VueJS, ReactJS, NodeJS

3 months (80 hours class)

Python and Django

Prime Courses
3 months (80 hours class)

Ruby on Rails

2 months (60 hours class)

TDD - JUnit and Mockito

1 month (12 hours class)

BDD - Cucumber and Gherkin

1 month (10 hours class)

Flutter/Dart with Web API

1 month (31 hours class)

DevOps & Agile Culture

1 week (60 hours class)

Event Driven Architecture with Java, Spring-Boot and Kafka

Digital Innovation One
2 days (3 hours class)

Creating API Gateways in the Azure Spring Cloud Environment

Digital Innovation One
2 days (5 hours class)

Professional Skills




Expert, 18 years


Expert, 15 years


Expert, 11 years

Asp.Net and C#

Intermediary, 2 years


Intermediary, 3 years


Advanced, 5 years


Intermediary, 2 years


Intermediary, 3 years



MySql and MariaDB

Expert, 16 years

PostgreSql and SQLite

Advanced, 9 years

Oracle and MSSql

Advanced, 8 years

MongoDB, Firebase, Redis

Advanced, 5 years




Advanced, 4 years


Intermediary, 3 years


Intermediary, 2 years

Pub/Sub Google

Intermediary, 2 years



Zend, Laravel, Yii

Expert, 8 years


Intermediary, 2 years

Java EE, Spring, Quarkus

Expert, 9 years

Angular, React, Vue

Advanced, 5 years


Advanced, 2 years


Intermediary, 2 years


Intermediary, 2 years


Intermediary, 2 years

Software Engineering


Agile Methodology

Advanced, 8 years

Modeling UML/ER

Advanced, 11 years

Design Patterns

Intermediary, 6 years


Intermediary, 6 years

Version Control

Advanced, 11 years


Advanced, 6 years


Advanced, 11 years


Intermediary, 5 years



Below are some work done:

School Management

PHP, Laravel, CSS, JS, MySql

Crypto Payment System

PHP, CSS, JS, Jquery, Yii, MySql

Property Management

Java, Spring Boot, CSS, JS, MySql

Delivery Manager

JS, NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB

Laravel Admin

Laravel, PHP, MySql

NodeJS Admin

NodeJS, JS, MongoDB

Contacts App

Ionic, AngularJS, TS, Firebase

Office Manager

Ruby, Rails, Bootstrap, SQLite

Book Manager

Python, Django, Bootstrap, SQLite

Loan Simulator

Java, Spring Boot, JPA, Angular

Voting Manager

Java, Quarkus, Hibernate, Jquery

Medical System

Java, Spring Boot, Oracle, React

General Knowledge

Programming HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, Smarty, Jquery, Angular, VueJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, TypeScript, ASP, PHP, Python, Java, C#, ASP .NET, Ruby, Dart, Json, XML and SQL.
Database MySql, MariaDB, PostgreSql, SQLite, Oracle, MSSql, MongoDB, Firebase, Redis, H2, HSQL.
Modeling ER, Astah, DB Designer, Power Designer, Draw.io, Miro, LucidChart and SmartDraw.
Modeling UML, Wireframe Prototype, Use Case Diagrams, State, Activities, Sequences, Robustness, Domain and Classes.
Software Engineering using Enterprise Architect EA, BizAgi and Astah. Development IDE Eclipse, NetBeans, Sublime, Atom, IntelliJ and VS Code. Continuous Integration Jenkins, GitLab and Management Containers Docker, Kubernetes and Minikube.
DBMS MySQL Workbench, PgAdmin, Oracle Developer, SQLite Maestro, DBVisualizer, Navicat and DBeaver.
BI ETL Talent, Dashboard, Forms, Reports using Pentaho, Power BI, Oracle and Qlik.
CMS Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Liferay, Strapi and dotCMS. E-Commerce Magento, WooCommerce and PrestaShop.
Framework .NET, Express, Django, Rails, Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux, Quarkus, Zend, Apigility, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii, Laravel, Ionic, Flutter, CRM Pipedrive, LMS Moodle.
Build with Composer, Maven, Gradle, NPM, Bower, Gem and PIP.
Front-end BootStrap, Materialize, Semantic UI, FontAwesome, ChartJS, HighCharts, MUI DataGrid, DataTables, JSP, JSF and Primefaces.
Back-end PHP, NodeJS, Java EE, Servlet, JPA, EJB, Hibernate, JAX-WS, JAX-RS and Spring Boot.
Microservices, WS SOAP, API REST, Webhook and GraphQL. Messaging Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and Pub/Sub.
Design Patterns, SOLID and Architectural Patterns MVC, HMVC, MVVM, DDD, ORM, Hexagonal.
Authentication LDAP, OAuth2 and JWT.
Data monitoring and analysis Kibana, Elastic Search, Grafana, Dynatrace, Prometheus and Logs with Logstash.
TDD tests, PHPUnit, JUnit, Mockito and MockMVC. BDD tests Cucumber and Gherkin.
Version Control SVN, CVS, GIT, Liquibase and Flyway.
Web Server Apache, Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss, WildFly, Nginx and IIS.
AWS (EC2, ECS, Beanstalk, API Gateway, IAM, Lambda, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS).
Azure (Virtual Machine, APIM, AD, Functions, Blog Storage, SQL Database, DocumentDB).
GCP (Virtual Machine, IAM, Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, Pub/Sub), Heroku, GitLab and GitPod.
File transfer protocol FTP, SFTP, SSH, WinSCP and Putty.
Operating Systems Windows, Linux Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora.
API Swagger and OpenAPI. Integration with Payment for E-Commerce and Cryptocurrency.
Agile methodology for management and development XP, KANBAN and SCRUM.
Project management MS Project, Redmine, Jira, Trello and VSTS.

html5 css3 js5 sass jquery angular vuejs reactjs typescript astah c++ php nodejs java python ruby ionic asp.net mysql mariadb postgres sqlite oracle mssql mongodb docker composer npm api bower apache tomcat nginx glassfish wildfly wildfly wildfly wildfly wildfly wildfly wildfly wildfly